Vancouver PHP Conference 2004

Vancouver PHP Conference 2004
Artwork by Mary Filer and Harold Spence-Sales, dedicated to SFU University on May 27, 1990. Photo by JMV on flickr. Some rights reserved.

The Vancouver PHP Association is presenting the first Vancouver PHP Conference. The conference will take place on January 22nd and 23rd in the Simon Fraser University's Harbour Centre Campus.

The event is organized by PHP Group member and ActiveState developer Shane Caraveo. The conference is shaping up very nicely so far - many of PHP's best developers have agreed to come and speak at the event. The early roster includes:

  • George Schlossnagle, PHP Core Developer
  • Rasmus Lerdorf, Inventor of PHP
  • Sterling Hughes, PHP Core Developer
  • Ilia Alshanetsky, PHP Core Developer

Shane has invited me to speak as well. I hope that I am able to make it!